Week 16 Part B: Building Out Your Strategy

          In this week's blog, I will be talking about my rough draft content for next month's postings on all my social media.  When it comes to strategizing, I first think of what are my goals for next month? then how am I going to make that happen and why is it important to make the plan work? And lastly, who am I making my postings for. As for next month's goal, Christmas had just finished which means that parents are not really looking forward to going shopping since they just did a whole lot of shopping for their loved ones. As for the young ones, some parents don't have the time to go shopping or they don't know what their kids want for Christmas so they'll just end up giving them the good old "Christmas cha-ching!" My business can benefit from that since no parent would get this kind of shoe that I market to their kids unless their kids ask for it. This takes care of who my target audience is which are the young adults with their Christmas mone...

Week 9 Part A: Blogs, Vlogs, Podcasts & Webinars


In the world of being a sneaker head nothing hurts more than going into SNKRS app finding a pair you have been waiting months for, and not being able to get that pair on the drawings.

The easiest way to appeal to my target audience is to "manipulate" their emotions after losing so much like I have in the past. I know that when a shoe comes out with so much hype behind it, the shoe sells out before you are even be able to put it in the cart if you're not fast enough. 

In my postings, whenever I would include shoes that are about to come out I post with a friendly tone like while also interacting with my followers. Moments later I would post asking if they were able to get a pair and maybe a fun fact behind it showing how fast or how many sold in that day nationwide. Facts and interactivity is what I am shooting for in my instagram page. I feel like by posting this way I can get a lot of interactions on my page and bosst my store by also periodically posting about my business taking advantage of the emotions of my customers by luring them to my store and shop around. 

A lot of the shoe stores that I visit, if you are new to their store they provide you more information as to how to get ahead of everyone that goes to their store looking for a particular pair of shoe by giving out their app and store address online which can be accessed anytime unlike going to the store with a limited shoe release. That's the type of technique I am trying to do, gather customers that weren't successful on the more popular sites, drawing them to my page and interact, then introduce them to my store hoping to get my sotre to be a part of their go to stores when getting shoes!

I am sure that this would also work in the clothing business. Just like shoes, clothing brands that are collaborated with known artists around the world go for a pretty penny! This kind of technique will probably not work if your busniess is to provide service physically. In that approach I would need different techniques to relate to my customers without having to mention any other sites.


  1. Terrific approach! Fun facts and interactiveness will surely attract and maintain loyal customers.

  2. Always good to interact with customers when you can, sounds like quite the strategy


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