Week 16 Part B: Building Out Your Strategy

          In this week's blog, I will be talking about my rough draft content for next month's postings on all my social media.  When it comes to strategizing, I first think of what are my goals for next month? then how am I going to make that happen and why is it important to make the plan work? And lastly, who am I making my postings for. As for next month's goal, Christmas had just finished which means that parents are not really looking forward to going shopping since they just did a whole lot of shopping for their loved ones. As for the young ones, some parents don't have the time to go shopping or they don't know what their kids want for Christmas so they'll just end up giving them the good old "Christmas cha-ching!" My business can benefit from that since no parent would get this kind of shoe that I market to their kids unless their kids ask for it. This takes care of who my target audience is which are the young adults with their Christmas mone...

Week 3 Part B: Developing a Brand


I've never seen myself as a person who runs their own business let alone have their own brand. I've always seen myself as a person who works under someone and presents their brand such as my goal to be a web developer and designer. I had always been fond of looking at a company's brands and how it relates back to them. Making logos and websites is something that I want to be able to create in the future for someone and hopefully inspire the next person who comes upon my work.

        Developing a brand is not as easy as it sounds, one would need to conduct their research, define what they are, what components the company needs, strategies needed, and how to analyze and refine their brand. Since I don't have a business to discuss, I will talk about the process I would do to make my own brand. I don't have a business name in mind but I do know that I want to be. A designer. 

        Firstly, I need to do research on freelancers that have the same idea as me. Since I am going to be new in the market I would need to consider how much the market charges for making logos and websites, what hourly rates, and how long does it usually take till the final product is done. I don't have a target group so one thing I would do is to conduct a survey of what my clients would want my service to have to gain insight from their perspective and not just my own. Once I have done my research I will take in all the info from the surveys and use them to define my brand. I will make a site that houses my company's mission, values, and personality. My site needs to look presentable and professional in order for me to gain the trust of customers since I will not have a physical store I will need a logo that is simple yet memorable. 

        The fun part and time-consuming part of making my brand would be making my logo. I tend to create a lot sometimes and get lost in making them which results in me having a hard to choose. My vision for my logo would be a simple design yet versatile and professional at the same time. After choosing my logo, I will need to build a strategy next. My brand will be presented to my consumers in a light, simple, and professionally made manner that makes my customers have a sense of assurance when visiting my site. I will include my past works and designs on my site on a separate page to keep my visitors intrigued and maybe pique their interest! Now that I have done the base of my brand I now just need to analyze and refine my brand. I will need to update my site daily and post on my social media as often as I can by connecting with my customers. I will also include a page on my site regarding frequently asked questions and customer surveys embedded on the site so I won't need to email them unless I have done business with them.

Overall, building a brand is hard but enjoyable especially if it is something that you are passionate about. Watching what you love to do unfold and sharing it with the world is something that you will remember for the rest of your life good or bad. Your brand defines who you are and what you do so be careful of how you portray yourself in the social media world. After having done your brand, it does not necessarily mean you'll have to stay the same. You'll have to adapt as the times go on in order to keep up with the rest of the competitors because flexibility is key in the market world.


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