Week 16 Part B: Building Out Your Strategy

          In this week's blog, I will be talking about my rough draft content for next month's postings on all my social media.  When it comes to strategizing, I first think of what are my goals for next month? then how am I going to make that happen and why is it important to make the plan work? And lastly, who am I making my postings for. As for next month's goal, Christmas had just finished which means that parents are not really looking forward to going shopping since they just did a whole lot of shopping for their loved ones. As for the young ones, some parents don't have the time to go shopping or they don't know what their kids want for Christmas so they'll just end up giving them the good old "Christmas cha-ching!" My business can benefit from that since no parent would get this kind of shoe that I market to their kids unless their kids ask for it. This takes care of who my target audience is which are the young adults with their Christmas mone...

Week 8 Part A: How to Expand Your Reach on Instagram by Using Hashtags

 In this week's blog, I will be researching how to expand my reach on Instagram by using hashtags. To do this research, I will be looking at different sizes of stores that match mine on Instagram. For this research, I have chosen Swoosh.Resell a small business that is local here in San Diego, ShoePalace a large shoe store chain, and Shiekh that is a small shoe/clothing store chain.

For my business visual media is huge. Shoes that retail for $120 can be resold for 3 times to 10 times the actual worth! If you want an example, search Airmax 97, Sean Wotherspoon. This shoe is retailed for $160 but after it sold out it is now going for $1500 - 1800 depending on your size! For something this pricey, you need to have great photos of the shoes you are selling to show what condition they are in. 

In my research, @swoosh.resell made his business through Instagram. He does not have any other page or a store other than the one he has on Instagram. If you visit his page, it does not only focus on selling shoes but promoting his page and showing customer photos that have purchased with him. His posts do not include any hashtags at all. I think it's just for aesthetics to make his page look "clean". He does use reels and the story function on Instagram and is public for everyone to share. His page does not necessarily grab or produce comments but is still successful when it comes to sales. 

Another store that I researched is @shoepalace. This is a store that you are able to find at most malls nationwide. I have mentioned them before on my other blogs, they're my go-to place when shopping for shoes this is however my first time "visiting" them online. On Instagram, they have a lot of followers (500k) yet they barely get any likes or comments. On their most recent post, they got 3 likes and 4 comments and that goes for most of their posts. As for the use of hashtags, they do not really use it and focuses mostly on just getting info out or posting current events/raising awareness. Comparing that to @swoosh.resell that has way fewer followers (13k) he gets a lot more likes which with his recent post 670 likes. The amount of followers they have does not match how much traffic they have on their page and seems like most of their followers are "ghosts" where they do not interact or just scroll through their postings.

Lastly, @shiekh. They are a small shoe/clothing store that is also like mine. They have a decent amount of followers (344k) but are almost just like shoe palace that does not get any interaction with their followers. They get a lot more than @shoepalace on some postings with their highest liked photo 178 likes. This page uses a lot of hashtags that are related to the shoes they are posting which may be why they get a lot more interaction than @shoepalace.

Overall, I learned that sometimes small business actually does better work when it comes to managing their store through social media. The use of hashtags on Instagram actually increases your reach but also having a close relationship with your customers boosts your reputation and interaction. The content that gets the most response on their postings is actual photos of shoes with or without hashtags. The reason behind this is most customers usually follow their page due to their interest in shoes and not for some other content. A hashtag that would benefit my page is just a simple #shoe that will reach everyone's page that is browsing that category.


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